Natural food coloring for Christmas cookies

As cliché as it sounds, one of my most treasured holiday memories is baking cookies with my mom… My favourites were (and are) our peach and apricot shortbread, lemon-coconut shortbread squares, and of course any type of cut-outs (like classic butter cookies or a spiced version of them). I love(d) decorating them… We still play classic…

Pregnancy meal plan

After seeing a few pregnant mommas stressed about eating healthy during their pregnancies,  I thought I’d share what my meals looked like when I was pregnant. My meals consisted of easy and colorful dishes. I didn’t really restrict myself. I ate what my body wanted to eat; if I craved ice cream or frozen yogurt…

Mother’s Day – Apricot & Fennel Scones

It really hits you, the first time you celebrate Mother’s day… like the first time you hold your baby… You are a mother, you gave birth (or adopted) this little child and you have been blessed with the most wonderful, important, challenging, at times frustrating/messy and empowering responsibility of all, mothering this baby. So congratulations…

Kid and Baby-friendly mousse de foie de volaille

 A few years back I posted a recipe of mousse de foie de volaille, little did I know that 4 years later I’d be creating a baby-friendly version for my little one! We really enjoy eating liver at home and I’d been looking for clever ways to introduce liver, which is a great source of iron…

Easy peasy- baby friendly & grown-up sous-vide peas

Here is a super easy sous-vide recipe, perfect if you are looking to add more greens to your (or your kids) plate. Sous-vide French peas Grown-up version Makes 2 servings Ingredients 2 c frozen peas 1/2 c napa cabbage, shredded 1 slice of bacon, cut into thin strips 1/2 tblsp butter Salt In a 500…

Introducing solid food & sous-vide cooking

When my baby reached the 6-month mark she was showing all the tell tale signs (sitting up, showing interest in food, smacking lips…) that she was ready to start eating something other than breast milk. We were so excited to start introducing solid food and we were keen on making all her food at home….